
Add "tshiibi" in Luba to your vocabulary. tshiibi, nom Examples of tshiibi Indefinite article: ts

Add "muana" in Luba to your vocabulary. muana, nom Examples of muana Indefinite article: muana De

Add "mamu" in Luba to your vocabulary. mamu, nom Examples of mamu Indefinite article: mamu Defini

Add "diku" in Luba to your vocabulary. diku, nom Examples of diku Indefinite article: diku Defini

mufuki ya njiwu Add "tatu" in Luba to your vocabulary. tatu, nom.1 /tatu/ Examples of tatu Indefi
My Body In Luba

Learn vocabulary about the body in Luba. Luba Library Books English: My Body in Luba Français: Mon